
Topic: Nintendo dropping price of NSO subscriptions

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Yup, I got it too. It’s definitely related to the drop in value of the dollar compared to last year.

It’s basically going back to what it was originally (the price was raised last year)… So it shouldn’t really affect many other countries.

Edited on by Eel


<My slightly less dead youtube channel>

SMM2 Maker ID: 69R-F81-NLG

My Nintendo: Abgarok | Nintendo Network ID: Abgarok


Hopefully this will affect eShop prices, some people might not know, but it's gotten to the point that importing games from Japan and buying games from the eShop are a better value than buying here in Mexico, same thing for Colombia and other latam countries



People were pissed with Pokémon SwSh's design but still sold millions. People were pissed with SM3DAS' limited production but still sold millions. People were pissed with LoZSS' port but still sold millions. People will always be pissed at what Nintendo chooses to do, but it will still always sell. Nintendo followed the lead of consumers, although it almost never did this. We hope that this can also affect the prices of games. To find the best prices for games you can use the service

Edited on by Luigipeach


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