
Topic: Next Nintendo Direct?

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I think we’ll see Prime 4 (the switch swan song), some sort of Xenoblade news, more Mario remakes, Kirby and the rainbow curse, and the nes remix sequel thingy. Oh, and also something fire emblem. I think we won’t see anything Zelda til december

Taylor from Blank Space was my old pfp if anyone gets confused. this is tay from he latest album
cats are the best


@OctolingKing13 actually, I am calling Prime 4 as a Switch 2 Launch game. Mayyyyyyybe a cross-gen release though.

Edited on by CaleBoi25


Don't tell the me moon is shining;
show me the glint of light on broken glass.
-Anton Chekhov

Sorry, I can't stop changing my PFP!

Switch Friend Code: SW-3225-4369-7994 | My Nintendo: CaleBoi25


@CaleBoi25 I highly doubt it wouldn't be. It's in a very similar situation to Twilight Princess and Breath of the Wild, where it's been promised to current gen owners for years. The sales gain from it being exclusive wouldn't be worth the brand damage it'd create.

@Joeynator3000 Dang, you and me both, Fortune Street on Wii got so much play from me and my friends.

Edited on by link3710



It's been 7 years since prime 4 was announced. I doubt anyone is really going to be upset if it skips the switch. Anyone who bought a switch for that game has had the system for many years and no doubt gotten their money's worth out of it from other games (and likely forgotten about prime 4).



@CaleBoi25 yep. It needs a remake. Now I kinda want to play it again actually. It's fun, but only when using a guide.



IceClimbers wrote:

So it looks like @Bolt_Strike was both right AND wrong. Nintendo confirmed they will announce the Switch successor this fiscal year, and that there will be a general Direct in June focused on Switch 1 software (no Switch 2 games).
He was wrong about there being no Direct anytime soon, but it looks like he's right about the Switch 2 reveal likely being this fall. I think he has the general timeline pretty spot on.

Well technically they didn't say it would be a general Direct, it could be a Partner Showcase and that wouldn't be a lie. But from the sounds of this announcement I think this is a general Direct and I am wrong about no general Direct.

But very interesting announcement. They've never announced a Direct this far out. Even though they didn't confirm the date and most of us probably could've guessed that there would be SOME kind of Direct in June, it is surprising that they would say something about a Direct this far out. I guess they want to placate people on the lack of news? Still kind of weird.


Switch Friend Code: SW-5621-4055-5722 | 3DS Friend Code: 4725-8075-8961 | Nintendo Network ID: Bolt_Strike


@CaleBoi25 Personally I don’t think Metroid Prime 4 could be a launch game. Or at least, the big launch game. It wouldn’t be a huge seller compared to say Mario or Pokemon.
It could either be one of the last Switch games or a cross-gen game but likely not at launch.

Based on how it has been done before, I think the Switch successor will launch similarly as previous consoles. Most consoles release with
a. A Mario or Zelda game (such as Super Mario 64, Twilight Princess, Super Mario 64 DS, Breath of the Wild, New Super Mario Bros U)
b. An experimental game/new IP/multiplayer- based (such as Wii Sports, Nintendo Land, 1-2 Switch!)

So if I were to guess, I’d say we’ll get a 3D Mario as our big launch title and other game is a new multiplayer IP, possibly similar to Wii Sports or Wii Party.

For Metroid, I could see it being cross gen but a few months after the console’s release, or just a Switch game this year.

Edited on by PikminMarioKirby

Some of my favorite games are Paper Mario and TTYD, SM64, Luigi’s Mansion, Pikmin 1-4, Kirby Forgotten Land, and the DKC OG trilogy (especially the first 2). All on Switch besides LM. Nintendo please bring it back!


We still need those quick-and-dirty ports of Metroid Prime 2 and MP3 before MP4 arrives.

Both allegedly done, sitting in Nintendo's reserve, ready to go...whenever.

Switch Physical Collection - 1,256 games (as of May 29th, 2024)
Favorite Quote: "Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age the child is grown, and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies." -Edna St. Vincent Millay


This is absolutely good to have OFFICIAL Switch 2 news. I’m not even surprised. Quite a few us were expecting Nintendo to say something at the shareholder meeting. I’m actually more surprised about Nintendo already announcing the June Direct. Smart move.

I’ll keep my expectations in check, but there could still be some more surprises. I’d love to see DK, and Kid Icarus Uprising is my most wanted remaster, but most of the biggest games would be saved for later. I’m just expecting smaller new games along with the remakes/remasters/ports to keep coming.

Whirling Octoling

Switch Friend Code: SW-6880-0040-8826 | Twitter:


Thing is, Metroid Prime 4 is still slated for Nintendo Switch in the recent Financial Report. So swansong or cross gen title imo

Taylor from Blank Space was my old pfp if anyone gets confused. this is tay from he latest album
cats are the best


@Bolt_Strike Unlike previous years when there's been a June general Direct, there's absolutely nothing confirmed for the 2nd half of the year right now.

  • 2023 had Pikmin 4, Pokemon DLC and Mario Kart DLC
  • 2021 had Skyward Sword HD, BDSP and Smash DLC
  • 2019 had almost the entire lineup mapped out in February
  • 2018 had Captain Toad, Smash Ultimate and XC2 DLC (Pokemon Let's Go got announced in late May)
  • 2017 had almost the entire lineup mapped out in January

Even that unannounced Nintendo World Championships game which got a ESRB rating, there's no guarantee that's 2nd half. Could be a shadow drop over the coming days, could be a shadow drop in the June Direct.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2595-6790-2897 | 3DS Friend Code: 3926-6300-7087 | Nintendo Network ID: GrumbleVolcano


Direct Predictions

Opens with new Kirby 2D platformer. follows the Return To Dreamland Deluxe gameplay style and art direction very closely. Releases Early 2025.

DecaPolice, Little Nightmares 3, Sonic & Shadow Generations, Inazuma Eleven, Fantasy Life i, Hollow Knight Silksong, Epic Mickey Rebrushed, The Plucky Squire, Ys X, One Piece Odyssey, etc. will all get new trailers and release dates

New Splatoon Splatfest and something small for it, will be pretty underwhelming

Rhythm Heaven Megamix Port with some quirky name and a couple new minigames added. Releases Early August. Demo out Immediately after the direct

Mario Party Spin-off. Everyone will find it bad at first since it's different but it will just be mediocre. Gonna have some weird board building mechanic where you collect spaces to place around the board. Releases October

Super Smash Bros. for NSO

Ace Attorney 7 teaser trailer Releases 2025

Remake for Shadow The Hedgehog coming October

NO Pokemon, NO Zelda and NO Fire Emblem. That will be saved for either the overlapping period on the switch or early switch 2

That Nintendo World Championships game will be shown for a minute and shadowdropped. Basically NES Remix with a bigger focus on online leaderboards.

Direct will end with Prime 2 + 3 ports and a full trailer for Metroid Prime 4, releasing Nov / Dec 2024


Switch Friend Code: SW-0772-1845-0995


NintendoByNature wrote:

@zlobnicazelda thought I was the only one on this earth who wants that 🤣. I'd like an indie team to handle it though since I don't think it would be a massive undertaking. Maybe sabotage, yacht club games, or inti creates.
Edit:I totally misread your comment. I somehow read it as zelda 2 remake lol. Either way, I stand by my comment.

I don't like Zelda II because it looks like Super Mario 2D. I prefer playing from top down like Link's awakening. But I wouldn't mind remake of first Zelda or ALTTP. But I really want remakes of Oracles and Phantom Hourglass&Spirit Tracks. If Nintendo will not announce any Zelda game in this year i will be super dissapointed. I'm annoyed of many Mario and Luigi remakes while there were zero Zelda games in 2022 and 2024.



@Blooper987 I REALLLLLY hope Kirby isn't the next casual 2d platformer. We need another yoshi game. I loved crafted world and woolly world. They're so visually appealing to look at too.



@NintendoByNature Recent Yoshi games have been developed by Good Feel and they just recently released Mameda no Bakeru and Princess Peach Showtime. I doubt they were also developing a Yoshi game at the same time. Unless it's not developed by Good Feel.



@NintendoByNature To be fair, we could see Kirby in addition to another 2D platformer. We got Return to Dream Land Deluxe AND Super Mario Bros. Wonder last year. Not to mention, Kirby's always handled by HAL, so it's not like there's only one 2D department to allocate to a project at any given time. That said, while Good Feel were busy with Peach Showtime, I'd like a new Yoshi game as well. Even by a different team. Not to mention I'd like HAL to shift some focus to a new 3D Kirby for next-gen.

Edited on by Novamii

Idealism and realism are only a few letters apart, it's a fine line between the two. One must be careful not
to step too far on one end, as it could very easily throw the other off balance.

My Current Games: Staring at my backlog, and accomplishing nothing! :)


@DjinnFighter @Novamii good points. I just feel like we're due for yoshi. We've had Kirby after Kirby On switch this generation. Yoshi needs an outing in the near future.



@NintendoByNature I think we’ll get a Yoshi game somewhat early into the next consoles lifespan (around 2-3 years in). Normally Yoshi is the 2D platformer that plays it safe while incorporating a little spin on the existing formula to differentiate it and we’ve already had that on the Switch with Crafted World, and Yoshi rarely if ever double dips on a single console. HAL normally sneaks a Kirby game into the very end of a consoles lifespan, plus we haven’t had a Kirby game in over a year so it seems fitting for a somewhat smaller scope Kirby game to release soonish. I fully expect them to keep making 3D Kirby games too tho but that’s also something I expect to be on the next console.

Maybe instead of Yoshi and Kirby I could see a Donkey Kong, or heaven forbid something like ZipLash but Kirby seems to be the safest guess currently


Switch Friend Code: SW-0772-1845-0995


Ok wait scrap everything I said, Woolly World remake I could see happen and would be pretty awesome. Would make sense with a more remake / port heavy final year

Edited on by Blooper987


Switch Friend Code: SW-0772-1845-0995

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