
Topic: Nintendo labo kit 4: VR

Posts 21 to 40 of 146


Let's just be real here. This isn't gonna work without a strap. Although, it could work EXTREMLY well with one. I'll likely buy it either way.

As for extra support, I just got a crazy idea. The bike and steering wheel all got MK8D support, so I've got an idea for this kit. Using the main headset, what if they added a small content update to BOTW with a target minigame where you use a bow and control the 360 camera with the headset. Although, I think it needs the right joycon to control the actual "camera" part of it because the console itself doesn't have motion controls built in, so I guess you would have to shoot with just on joy con. Maybe if capcom would support it, maybe they could find a way to mix it into that one first person mode as well!

Nice >:]

I do stupid stuff on, so check it out if your bored or whatever.
Or don't, it's your time after all.


@MysticGengar Capcom? But yeah, the console actually does have gyro on the X,Y, and Z axis. I just checked in the Vehicle Kit's garage. It also can tell if shaken.


Switch Friend Code: SW-7842-2075-5515 | My Nintendo: HobbitGamr | Nintendo Network ID: HobbitGamr


"... combines the innovative physical and digital gameplay of Nintendo Labo with BASIC VR technology to create a SIMPLE and shareable virtual reality experience for kids and families."

This is how Nintendo is marketing this. Basic and simple VR for kids. So if it's underwhelming, it's because you're not paying attention and you're not the target audience.

You guys had me at blood and semen.

What better way to celebrate than firing something out of the pipe?

Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.

My Nintendo: gcunit | Nintendo Network ID: gcunit


It’s a kids toy vr gimmick.

The switch doesn’t have the power for a decent vr experience - it’s not to be taken seriously - just accept it for what it is - would imagine very young children may enjoy it



MysticGengar wrote:

Let's just be real here. This isn't gonna work without a strap. Although, it could work EXTREMLY well with one. I'll likely buy it either way.

As for extra support, I just got a crazy idea. The bike and steering wheel all got MK8D support, so I've got an idea for this kit. Using the main headset, what if they added a small content update to BOTW with a target minigame where you use a bow and control the 360 camera with the headset. Although, I think it needs the right joycon to control the actual "camera" part of it because the console itself doesn't have motion controls built in, so I guess you would have to shoot with just on joy con. Maybe if capcom would support it, maybe they could find a way to mix it into that one first person mode as well!

It’s toy/gimmick vr - nothing more



To add onto my previous statement, I'm pretty sure there were a few VR games ported to switch recently. Hopefully they add support for it!

I forgot to type it in, but I meant the mode in the new version of Street Fighter 2. You play as ryu and fight off hordes of M. Bison's goons with motion controls.

No dip. Same goes for motion controls, touch screens, anything that makes a console unique, etc. It's not a negative thing. Also, the switch is more than capable. Maybe not in the graphics department, but it can still run this stuff smoothlessly with the correct adjustments.

Nice >:]

I do stupid stuff on, so check it out if your bored or whatever.
Or don't, it's your time after all.



MysticGengar wrote:

To add onto my previous statement, I'm pretty sure there were a few VR games ported to switch recently. Hopefully they add support for it.

No dip. Same goes for motion controls, touch screens, anything that makes a console unique, etc. It's not a negative thing. Also, the switch is more than capable. Maybe not in the graphics department, but it can still run this stuff smoothlessly with the correct adjustments.

I don't think he's necessarily bashing LABO VR, just saying it's going to be a much simpler experience compared to PSVR, and largely won't be able to provide the same experiences.

For example, PSVR comes bundled with an extra processing unit because the PS4 itself isn't powerful enough for a smooth VR experience. It shouldn't be hard to understand that a less powerful system like the Switch (which won't be running at full power to boot since it has to be undocked for this) won't be able to provide a similar experience.

Don't get me wrong, this looks like it could be cool because I'm sure Nintendo won't deliver an unpolished experience, but it's good to keep your expectations in check in terms of the complexity on offer.

Currently Playing:
Switch - Blade Strangers
PS4 - Kingdom Hearts III, Tetris Effect (VR)


I can see what you're saying, but it just feels like a jab at it considering he just instantly wrote it off as a toy before even seeing the possibilities with the toy con garage, or experiences that the device actually probides.

Nice >:]

I do stupid stuff on, so check it out if your bored or whatever.
Or don't, it's your time after all.


Yorumi wrote:

Even in the best cases like a super powerful computer running VR it's just really not all that impressive.

I assume you've never played VR?



People who think there will be Mario Kart VR...have you played any VR racing games? Most people get nauseous in any game containing movement - especially racing/walking games. Anything like the existing Mario Kart on the Switch will never be part of this package. Even Nintendo’s current Mario Kart VR experience that shows up at expos and trade shows is a largely on-rails experience with very little control input from the player and is more like a lightly interactive movie than actual game. They’ve done this because with current technology there’s no cure for VR sickness other than ‘getting your VR legs’ which takes time and isn’t actually a solution.



For fear of sounding like a responsible adult, I don't think it's a particularly intelligent idea to let small children strap things to their heads. Could cause neck strain or something. Much better they hold them up.

I never drive faster than I can see. Besides, it's all in the reflexes.

Switch FC: SW-0287-5760-4611


Yorumi wrote:

Heavyarms55 wrote:

Lots of things are cool until the novelty wears off.

That describes almost every gimmick nintendo has been pushing since the wii. I agree with you on VR overall too, it's really just sitting very close to the tv and little else. A labo VR kit is mostly just google cardboard which is little more than a neat trick.

Try VR before you talk crap about it. Otherwise you look pretty silly. Comparing it to sitting close to the TV is something that without question guarantees you have no experience, and just have a hobby of bashing things.

Yorumi wrote:

Octane wrote:

Yorumi wrote:

Even in the best cases like a super powerful computer running VR it's just really not all that impressive.

I assume you've never played VR?

It's a neat trick when you have the perfect game for it, like something where you're sitting in a cockpit but it's still just a neat trick. We've been promised revolutionary game changing technology and it's pretty much exactly what we expected a pretty cool experience but the novelty wears off and it's just not fun to be isolated all the time.

Great job dodging the question. No, you haven't tried it.

Edited on by DartBuzzer



Yorumi wrote:

Octane wrote:

Yorumi wrote:

Even in the best cases like a super powerful computer running VR it's just really not all that impressive.

I assume you've never played VR?

It's a neat trick when you have the perfect game for it, like something where you're sitting in a cockpit but it's still just a neat trick. We've been promised revolutionary game changing technology and it's pretty much exactly what we expected a pretty cool experience but the novelty wears off and it's just not fun to be isolated all the time.

There's already a Mario Kart VR arcade game, so a home version is going to happen whenever Switch (or a new console) gets actual solid VR support beyond just Labo.



My own impressions of VR (only experience being an hour or two, after I bought the PSVR) is that it's like playing one of the 3D Zeldas (ie. WWHD on Wii U to a lesser extent, OoT and MM on 3DS to greater extent) when you use the gyro aiming. If the 3D on 3DS worked 3 inches from your face, and you put a towel over your head and headphones on, I think you'd get a similar experience. I wasn't completely immersed in the visuals, they were still in front of me rather than all around me.

I wasn't overly impressed. Astrobot was worth experiencing, so I've bought the full game, plus I have Moss and Resident Evil 7 still to try.

It's been a while since I last used it, so perhaps I should try it again before saying too much, but I'm tempted to say that the biggest difference is that you're shutting out the real world distraction, and wearing headphones. I rarely wear headphones while playing (so I can hear the kids etc.), but I'd like to more because I think they're the biggest contributor to immersion.

You guys had me at blood and semen.

What better way to celebrate than firing something out of the pipe?

Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.

My Nintendo: gcunit | Nintendo Network ID: gcunit


gcunit wrote:

My own impressions of VR (only experience being an hour or two, after I bought the PSVR) is that it's like playing one of the 3D Zeldas (ie. WWHD on Wii U to a lesser extent, OoT and MM on 3DS to greater extent) when you use the gyro aiming. If the 3D on 3DS worked 3 inches from your face, and you put a towel over your head and headphones on, I think you'd get a similar experience. I wasn't completely immersed in the visuals, they were still in front of me rather than all around me.

I wasn't overly impressed. Astrobot was worth experiencing, so I've bought the full game, plus I have Moss and Resident Evil 7 still to try.

It's been a while since I last used it, so perhaps I should try it again before saying too much, but I'm tempted to say that the biggest difference is that you're shutting out the real world distraction, and wearing headphones. I rarely wear headphones while playing (so I can hear the kids etc.), but I'd like to more because I think they're the biggest contributor to immersion.

Another person lying about using VR. Great job. Stop comparing it to 3DS and people might actually believe you.

Or maybe you have tried it and are downplaying it for some weird reason. Even way you're being pretty ridiculous. I suppose it could also be you had an entirely fault unit. Some people have this issue before, where it doesn't display stereoscopic 3D, but is instead like a moving isometric projection. If you're not lying afterall, then this is your issue, and I suggest you get it repaired.

Edited on by DartBuzzer



I have tried PSVR for a while and... they are a little immersive I guess? But the camera felt so bad and I got massive nausea from playing one. The same thing if I tried playing the first-person-camera style :V

But yeah, I wish VR is more like... what anime/manga is showing it will be than what it is currently



Labo VR is going to be similar to Google Cardboard or another phone VR headset. It works by splitting the screen of your phone so that when it’s held a few inches from your face, you get different images in each eye. The lens warps the image in such a way that you feel immersed and the gyro moves with your head so you can look around. It’s pretty neat and I’m curious what kind of software will come with it, but don’t expect Resident Evil 7.

Personally I’ll looking forward to it but I know what to expect.



Taya wrote:

It’s pretty neat and I’m curious what kind of software will come with it.

I think that's the most baffling of it all. It comes out next month, and we have absolutely no idea what to expect in terms of software.



Yorumi wrote:

DartBuzzer wrote:

Try VR before you talk crap about it. Otherwise you look pretty silly. Comparing it to sitting close to the TV is something that without question guarantees you have no experience, and just have a hobby of bashing things.

You could try learning what hyperbole is before launching into attacks. Yeah I've tried it, it's a neat trick before the novelty wears off. BTW VR isn't a new thing, I have used the modern sets but especially if you went to high end arcades they've had VR for 30 years now.

I have to say I find the VR zealots rather hilarious. They're like console fanboys taken up to 11. They sure flip out when you don't act like VR is just a pure gift from god about to replace every piece of video game tech we've ever had.

VR failed to live up to any real expectations in the past decades. Outside of some seriously expensive equipment, it was biologically impossible to induce presence as the brain cannot believe in such a small field of view. That changed as we got over the 80 degree mark.

The tracking, framerate, resolution, graphical fidelity, content - all of this was absolutely awful before the 2010s. All of it is in need of improvement today, but is finally at a level where it's meeting expectations.

Using hyperbole like that kind of defeats the whole point of writing your post. If your post says one thing, but you mean another, why even write it in the first place?


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