
Topic: Nintendo labo kit 4: VR

Posts 61 to 80 of 146


@Octane This is a misconception. After having played with the goggles and blaster extensively today, it is clear that there is head tracking in the tablet itself. Yeah, there is no external head tracking, so when you look around, your camera's position in space cannot move, but you are free to look around in every direction. No Joy-con needing to be attached. It's not as capable as a Vive setup obviously, but there so much they can do with this.
The goggles have grommets on the sides which would make it easy to fashion a fastening solution if Nintendo doesn't do it themselves.

I seriously hope they update Mario Kart 8 Deluxe with Labo VR support. Even if it's limited to like 50cc and/or battle mode.



@Octane For BOtw i should not have to for the actual software in the box don't do it so yeah you are some what correct

Now it's Reyn time

My Nintendo: Rice


For future reference the title has been changed to something more fitting.

Now it's Reyn time

My Nintendo: Rice


Has anyone tried to watch youtube vr videos with the goggles? I will receive my labo vr only tuesday.
Hope they will patch games already made for vr on other systems, like thumper , skyrim ,doom.



@munstahunta I believe André from GameXplain tried that. Doesn't work.

It's its, not it's.

Switch Friend Code: SW-8287-7444-2602 | Nintendo Network ID: LateXD


I haven’t been that interested in labo or vr before, but if they start adding compatibility to more games this might have me interested



I’m going out to run some errands and plan on hitting up the crafts section in Walmart. I’ll let y’all know if I get a strap solution that doesn’t involve much cutting.

Edit: $12 solution, fully adjustable, no modification to the Labo cardboard!
4 reflective armbands and 4 zip ties. Downside is the goggle nosepiece pinches my nose, so I’ll have to do padding.

Edited on by HobbitGamer


Switch Friend Code: SW-7842-2075-5515 | My Nintendo: HobbitGamr | Nintendo Network ID: HobbitGamr


@AlohaPizzaJack, sounds good. When the update hits hopefully you'll be able to tell us if you can disconnect the Joy-Con (with the strap keeping the goggles to your face) and play Zelda normally in "VR" (since it has full support, I'm guessing it doesn't use gyro camera controls and is essentially just a 3D update, which will still be really cool).

Currently Playing:
Switch - Blade Strangers
PS4 - Kingdom Hearts III, Tetris Effect (VR)


@RR529 Yup, I’ll definitely let y’all know about Zelda.
I’ve also notice from fiddling in the be garage that there is an Output node that will open another file/project. This means that you could have inter-connected projects and maximize the node cost. Still playing with these settings, but it is worlds beyond the other garage software


Switch Friend Code: SW-7842-2075-5515 | My Nintendo: HobbitGamr | Nintendo Network ID: HobbitGamr


@AlohaPizzaJack That's really cool. Can you send variables from one project to another? Score, for example, if you want to create a game that has levels in multiple scenes?

Also wanted to thank you for answering my previous question in another thread. I'm so glad they added randomization options. Randomization adds a good amount of variety to any game.

It's its, not it's.

Switch Friend Code: SW-8287-7444-2602 | Nintendo Network ID: LateXD


@Late I’m not sure yet if anything can be carried, but I was going to fiddle tonight. They also added the ability to code and test the garage when docked. Docked while using a joycon like a wiimote pointer is so natural


Switch Friend Code: SW-7842-2075-5515 | My Nintendo: HobbitGamr | Nintendo Network ID: HobbitGamr


Hey guys, I apologize if this was posted somewhere already, I couldn't find anything about this online. Is it possible to use all of the software without the proper Toy-Con, as in playing the diving game without the camera for instance?



@Ig88slayer Unfortunately it is not. Those games (and any of the 64 in VR plaza that use toycons) have a “Toycon Check” node at the beginning. You technically could get the camera to start, but the rotation for the lens zoom would act up. The bird and elephant games use IR stickers


Switch Friend Code: SW-7842-2075-5515 | My Nintendo: HobbitGamr | Nintendo Network ID: HobbitGamr


Hands On Impressions As A PSVR / Occulus Rift Owner

I’m shocked at how good LABO VR is. And I say this after having a fairly lukewarm reaction to it out of the box. As soon as I got the goggles built I threw them on and tried some of the mini games from the garage, and frankly speaking they were pretty horrible. Especially from the viewpoint of someone who had experienced high end VR.

Then I built the blaster (which, can I just say, was a blast, pun intended- it’s absolutely amazing how these contractions go together and work). I then proceeded to give the Blaster game a run, and... it changed everything. It changed my entire opinion of this LABO set. It’s only an hour of content at most (not counting replaying for higher scores), but it’s the most fun hour I’ve spent in VR in recent memory. The tactile feedback of the gun is what really elevates it above other experiences, on top of which, the game actually looks pretty dang good in VR. Those mini games just gave a horrible first impression, but the blaster game is proper VR. It’s what I recommend everyone try first.

I also just got done playing Kablasta. And I have to say, it’s a pretty good multiplayer game with way more depth than you’d think at first glance. Neither of these games are going to provide you with hours and hours of content unless you’re super into high scores and challenging yourself for a gold medal on each stage. But the fun that’s on offer for the short duration you get to experience it is worth the buy-in, IMO.

I haven’t even gotten to the camera or the wind pedal or bird or elephant yet. I figure all together I’ll get 5 solid hours of play time, but 5 really good hours. There’s also the time spent building everything which, to me, is nearly as entertaining as playing the games themselves. I love seeing how all these toycon take shape- it feels so good to build it yourself. Really makes you appreciate it more once you’re finished.

I went from being reasonably excited, to having most of my hype killed when I first threw the goggles on and played the mini games, to being absolutely blown away when I tried the blaster. That thing is genuis, and I swear if Nintendo or a 3rd party doesn’t make a stand-alone game using it, it’s going to be one of the biggest missed opportunities this generation. That blaster is phenomenal. It is incredibly fun to use, and it would be tragic if this was all the action it ever gets to see.

Edited on by JaxonH

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John


@JaxonH Yeah the feedback on the blaster is great. That resistance in the trigger and the sweet thunk of the ‘firing hammer’ really make a world of difference. I think you’ll get a kick out of the bird, too. It’s very open like the Vehicle Kit’s adventure mode.

That blaster already has me trying to build some garage games around it.


Switch Friend Code: SW-7842-2075-5515 | My Nintendo: HobbitGamr | Nintendo Network ID: HobbitGamr


I'm almost convinced to buy it (starter pack only, I'm not interested in labo in general, so I'd stick to the goggles and blaster), as a noob in VR stuff.

I had read, thought, that some of the minigames are really good too.

I hope Nintendo not only throws some minigames in Super Mario Odyssey and BOTW future updates as announced, but also for other games, or even launches a Switch version of Mario Kart VR thanks to this.

I know they won't do it, but I think now is the perfect occasion (after missing the 3DS opportunity) to relaunch at least the best Virtual Boy games. It could be some kind of Virtual Console but just for the VB games, if they don't want to do the VC (with several systems' catalog) people were expecting.

Edited on by Moroboshi876

Switch code: SW-2291-6286-4620

Nintendo 3DS code: 2879-0476-7598

My Nintendo: Toni | Twitter:


Buy starter kit like me - its really fun and u can unlock all other kit`s games as well. The vr garage rocks !!!

my Switch fc: SW-6145-9649-2985
my 3ds friend code:1564-4008-8780
SuperMarioRun: 7635-1072-9440
AC PocketCamp: 6892-7280-610


@premko1 Yeah, the price of the starter kit is what attracts me the most, I think LOL. It's worth the try. I'm not going to buy expansions, because I'm not interested in the cardboard stuff anyway. Don't have the space either.

But how can you unlock the other games? Don't they come in cards like the rest of physical games?

By the way, I know you have to hold de blaster in blaster games, but how do you play with other games? Do you have to move your hands while holding the joy-cons?

Switch code: SW-2291-6286-4620

Nintendo 3DS code: 2879-0476-7598

My Nintendo: Toni | Twitter:


Went ahead and ordered the starter kit, based on everyones' impressions.

It'll get here on Wednesday, but as I likely won't be able to start building until the weekend I also ordered Google Cardboard for my phone (I know that'll be little more than a 3D viewer, but it'll give me something a little more quick and easy to assemble to see how I get along with the whole building aspect).

Currently Playing:
Switch - Blade Strangers
PS4 - Kingdom Hearts III, Tetris Effect (VR)


I just ordered it and will get it tomorrow. But people talk about the time you get to (for me, "have to") build the thing itself. Is it that long? I want to play...

Switch code: SW-2291-6286-4620

Nintendo 3DS code: 2879-0476-7598

My Nintendo: Toni | Twitter:

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