
Topic: Phantasy Star Online 2 is (Sort of) Available in the West!

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...because the East Asian Version that's available in English is letting everyone on now:

You can download it here:

Be sure to register as well...I always forget that part...

Anyways, I just got through the tutorially "Chapter 0", and so far so good. I should try setting the graphics to max next time, though. It's not quite as pretty as I expected on the Medium settings...

So, anyone else up for this? I'm RaidenTheWild on there, if anyone's interested in teaming up on Server 01 (I forgot the name).

Edited on by CanisWolfred

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


I should mention: The english subs are surprisingly good. Like...I think the only thing stopping them from releasing this game in the west is the lack of an English dub. It's all in Japanese still. A shame, since it's pretty nice so far, If you liked PSO Episode 1 & 2 (or Blue Burst), it definitely seems worth playing. It is pretty tutorial-heavy at the beginning, though.

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


It's finally ready?! All of my YES!!!

Hopefully my rusted cucumber I dare call a PC can even run this game, though...

<insert title of hyped game here>

Check some instrumental Metal: CROW'SCLAW | IRON ATTACK! | warinside/BLANKFIELD |

3DS Friend Code: 3136-6640-0089 | Nintendo Network ID: KazeMemaryu


I move back to where I have my "gaming pc" in a couple weeks, I would totally give it a try but I fried my graphics card and the pc it self is like 4 years old now and it wasn't anything that special back then either lol.

the unattainable is unknown at zombo com
~ close eyes, perceive with mind ~


Damn, not looking good... the download client is already causing immense trouble. Currently torrenting the installation, but it's really slow. I can only hope I'm not wating my time on this.

<insert title of hyped game here>

Check some instrumental Metal: CROW'SCLAW | IRON ATTACK! | warinside/BLANKFIELD |

3DS Friend Code: 3136-6640-0089 | Nintendo Network ID: KazeMemaryu


Hm? It took an hour for me to download it, then another hour and a half to install and download patches. That's really quick for an MMO that's been around this long. TERA took me all day to get ready...

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


@CanisWolfred Problem is, the torrent wasn't particularly active, so it took me the whole night to get all of it. The client was just doing whatever it wanted, and apparently, most of that consisted of freezing while slowing down my PC for no reason. Guess I'll have to check if it works on my PC when I'm back in the afternoon,

<insert title of hyped game here>

Check some instrumental Metal: CROW'SCLAW | IRON ATTACK! | warinside/BLANKFIELD |

3DS Friend Code: 3136-6640-0089 | Nintendo Network ID: KazeMemaryu


Okay, I got the game running so far, but server maintenance prevents me from even creating a character right now. Does anyone know if the game has internal voice chat options? Cause if not, I got TeamSpeak for whoever might be in the mood for some good talkin' (can't use Skype since it doesn't work on XP anymore).

EDIT: Bah, what a joke. The SEA version being open was more or less just a temporarly thing. The latest patches and updates had issues, and players couldn't download them due to IP bans causing errors. The SEA team only removed the IP blocker to get the update out there. It's back to blocking all access from the west.

Edited on by Kaze_Memaryu

<insert title of hyped game here>

Check some instrumental Metal: CROW'SCLAW | IRON ATTACK! | warinside/BLANKFIELD |

3DS Friend Code: 3136-6640-0089 | Nintendo Network ID: KazeMemaryu


Phil Spencer is on the record for mentioning that the western release of Phantasy Star Online 2 is not exclusive to Xbox. It's expected to be available on other platforms. Although I wonder if that means just Windows and Xbox? I'm hoping to be able to play PSO2 on PS4 where the bulk of my online friends play multiplayer games.

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Favorite Quote: "Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age the child is grown, and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies." -Edna St. Vincent Millay

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