
Topic: Dragon Quest Discussion

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Most of my experience with Dragon Quest were Monsters 2 and Rocket Slime.

Honestly 2 of the most underappreciated games I've played. Especially Rocket Slime.

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Dragon Quest seems like a hard sell. Japan still loves it to death. It's hard to pinpoint the exact reason. Could be Akira Toriyama's involvement, but that's old news.

Dragon Quest is a lot like Pokemon. If you enjoy that basic and simplistic structure, you'll love every game. They're all very similar in design. The series will probably never evolve. It's the complete opposite of Final Fantasy, which is desperate to remain trendy.

I am Pingu's cousin, Pungu - Noot Noot!


@dharmajones93 I think this is the same as many others' experience. I also started out with FF, and still appreciate it, but however much each entry varies from the next, one thing stays consistent with the series, and that is the target audience. Final Fantasy is very much aimed at an adolescent market and, while I can still enjoy them, I feel we have drifted apart over the years.

Dragon Quest, on the other hand, is more of a family adventure. It can still tell a decent story and deal with emotional themes, but it doesn't feel the need to add teen angst and doom along the way.

Basically, I'd happily buy a ticket for a Pixar movie, but I'm not likely to go see Divergent (or insert successful teen movie franchise here).

Switch ID: 5948-6652-1589
3DS ID: 2492-5142-7789


dharmajones93 wrote:

Krull wrote:

Basically, I'd happily buy a ticket for a Pixar movie, but I'm not likely to go see Divergent (or insert successful teen movie franchise here).

Yes, exactly!


Currently playing: Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Switch), Pepper Grinder (Switch)

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31


It's good news. A little pricey, though, considering they have to be mobile ports. And the shipping costs. But having no preorder bonus, I'll wait and maybe a Western official release will take place. Who knows.

Switch code: SW-2291-6286-4620

Nintendo 3DS code: 2879-0476-7598

My Nintendo: Toni | Twitter:


Well, I think we die hard fans of Dragon Quest are many!

I beat these games a while ago on Android, but having them on Switch and physically is something I'd like.

Switch code: SW-2291-6286-4620

Nintendo 3DS code: 2879-0476-7598

My Nintendo: Toni | Twitter:


I may get these physical just because I'm seriously out of sd card space. I'd originally planned on getting them digital but its cheaper to buy them physical than get a larger sd card.

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3DS Friend Code: 3737-9849-8413 | Nintendo Network ID: RyuNiiyama


I finally cleared Chapter 5 and reached the credits in Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen. I noticed once I reloaded my file that I'm now in Chapter 6. Is there any benefit to playing through some of the post-game content? I don't plan on being a completionist, but I was wondering if there was anything new plot-wise or if there's a must-have item I need to obtain.

Currently playing: Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Switch), Pepper Grinder (Switch)

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31


@Tyranexx I don't really remember, it was my first Dragon Quest, but I usually play the post-game stories, which is not the same as collecting everything. There is always a boss incredibly difficult, which requires quite some grinding, though. It's the part I like the least about this series.

You have to grind a little in the main story, which is fine, but the post-game boss will always be much more difficult, there is a huge difficulty spike.

Switch code: SW-2291-6286-4620

Nintendo 3DS code: 2879-0476-7598

My Nintendo: Toni | Twitter:


@Moroboshi876 This is the DS version by the way, but you've probably already figured that out.

I did run across the extra dungeon last night and made it far enough to get to a sort of tower before I used Evac to bail out. The enemies alone were starting to become difficult; my main lineup ranged from level 39-41 by that point.

I did search around enough to find that the post-game story is definitely worth my while, but I'm in agreement with the grinding. I expect every RPG to at least have a little of it, but constantly grinding and making no significant progress gets kind of old for me. It's especially frustrating since I don't make it a habit to run from random encounters unless the monsters are too low level to bother with. My opinion probably isn't entirely fair since the original game was on the Famicom, but from what I understand the post-game stuff wasn't in the original release.

Currently playing: Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Switch), Pepper Grinder (Switch)

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31


@Tyranexx Yes, the post-game bonus content came with the SFC remakes.

I play through it because I'm a huge fan, but it's certainly annoying. I mean, completionists with hundreds of hours of free time do max their characters before beating the game and then face the post-game without trouble, but it's boring if that's not the case. It requires knowing where the metal monsters are and grind a lot. And it happens in all DQ games since DQIII (SFC version and onwards).

Anyway, I love DQIV because it's the entry with the deepest secondary character development, and even lets you play as them for an entire chapter each. That's what makes it unique. I didn't know it back when it was my first DQ, but after playing many of the others I learnt to appreciate this feature not present in later games, even when secondary characters are interesting. Never as much as in IV.

Edited on by Moroboshi876

Switch code: SW-2291-6286-4620

Nintendo 3DS code: 2879-0476-7598

My Nintendo: Toni | Twitter:


@Moroboshi876 This is only my second DQ game (V being the first), and I'd have to say that while I definitely find it to be enjoyable, I don't care for it quite as much as the other in the story department. I definitely appreciate the character development in each of their own individual chapters (though Ragnar's chapter was a bit hard to read through. XD), but it's a bit lacking after they join the Hero's party; the lack of party chat in this version is to blame, I think. After that I find the story to be a bit cookie cutter, but the chapters leading up to that point are certainly unique.

I've thought it over some and will likely mess around with Chapter 6 on and off for the next few days before tabling the game for a bit. I'd like to move on and will likely play something else before going back to it. It's clear that some grinding is in order, anyway. I've been fighting Metal King Slimes north of The Azimuth when I find them, but they don't spawn too often and like fleeing like their other brethren. Slippery things....

Currently playing: Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Switch), Pepper Grinder (Switch)

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31


@Tyranexx I agree. The moment they join the Hero/Heroin, their significance drops. I wouldn't do what you say you're doing, because it's the fastest way to simply forget about the game. Post-game and necessary grinding feel like a chore in every Dragon Quest with bonus content, that's something you're going to use to. And yes, the metal monsters do that. It's annoying.

I love the series, a lot, but when I finish the main story start to wish I can move to some other game. Every time. They use to ask you to defeat some extremely overpowered enemy in less than a number of turns, which is an interesting challenge until you realize that your level is nowhere near the one you need.

Edited on by Moroboshi876

Switch code: SW-2291-6286-4620

Nintendo 3DS code: 2879-0476-7598

My Nintendo: Toni | Twitter:


@Moroboshi876 I actually did make some significant progress in the roughly 90 minutes I spent grinding last night despite those frustrating Metal King Slimes (ugh). I may try to do more of the end game stuff before shelving it for a bit. Thanks!

Currently playing: Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Switch), Pepper Grinder (Switch)

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31


I'm now in Dragon Quest IX, won't finish it before XI releases, that's for sure, but I wanted to try. Because if I hadn't started it, I would have played XI and then VIII, and IX was the least appealing to me, being for Nintendo DS and after the visually more striking XI and VIII entries.

But at the beginning of Summer I found out, thanks to Twitter's inherent info sharing, that there was a server with all DLC available to download (with a workaround, of course), so I had to try it before the server went down (I don't know if it's still there), and as it took reaching some point in the game to be able to do so, I got committed to the story after 8 hours or so, and thanks to that I'm playing a game that was probably going to remain unplayed, and that would have been unfair.

But I can't help, although I like what I've seen so far, thinking I wish I was nearer to my goal, which is finishing the story and the 184 quests (screw grottos and 100% mini medals and alchemy). Those quests feel like a chore most of the time, requiring you to mix items that specific monsters give to you (rarely, but they do) or that you can find laying around in specific spots over the map.

I won't be able to complete all 184, if only because some require you to master some weapon I don't have the time to fully master. But I want to finish as much as I can, and that's slow. I have to admit that I'm following through a list of quests, because many of them don't trigger unless you talk to specific NPCs at specific times, and I'm not a DQ player that go talking to NPCs I've talked to before just in case they say something new. I just can't. So I look what the quests are, and if they involve mixing ingredients, I look where to find them. Does that make me a cheater? OK. I just don't have all the time in the world. I mean, I'm healthy, but have a lot of backlog and a Switch full of unplayed games waiting for me.

Edited on by Moroboshi876

Switch code: SW-2291-6286-4620

Nintendo 3DS code: 2879-0476-7598

My Nintendo: Toni | Twitter:


My backlog is one of the reasons why I don't quite have a Switch yet. I've been making some progress. I'm hoping to pick one up in November. XD

I've contemplated getting DQ IX and probably will eventually, but I'm content to wait for now. I'm not really into crafting, plus I've been led to understand that a lot of the longevity of the game comes from playing with others, something I'm highly unlikely to get the opportunity to do locally. I sort of hope it gets remade for a newer system in the future.

Edited on by Tyranexx

Currently playing: Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Switch), Pepper Grinder (Switch)

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31


@Tyranexx Don't be afraid, but I understand your concerns because I had them too. The thing is when I finally played it realized that wasn't that way. When people say, because I've read it, 98% of the game comes from post-game and multiplayer stuff, that may be right for people who played it for 746 hours (you can check the How Long to Beat website).

But there is a lot of single player content. The story itself may not be 100-hour (they say 49 hours), but is it really necessary always that a Dragon Quests lasts over 100 hours? About crafting, I'm not interested in it either, but side quests make you do a great amount of it, and I gotta say it's not as boring as I thought. The problem is finding the ingredients, but with a walkthrough you can do it faster. Besides, these side quests are entirely optional (yet usually interesting). If you own the game, just unseal it an play the story alone if you want. You won't feel like you wasted your time.

Mini medal hunting is something I never do 100%, it would require going through all the map because I don't remember where I found the ones I found, so I just get the ones I come across and move on, for instance. I don't think I've not enjoyed the game because of that.

And as for multiplayer, I think it's something to do with encounters and treasure maps exchange. I for one wouldn't have been interested in that even when people played it. But it was a revolution back in the day, with a Pub opening in Akihabara specifically made to facilitate these encounters (the pub still exists, Luida's Bar is its name obviously). Good to have that feature, but I'm not interested in treasure maps either.

So, in one, you can play this game as any other Dragon Quest and move on. Well, except from Dragon Quest X, which I hate is an MMORPG and hasn't come to the West for that reason.

Switch code: SW-2291-6286-4620

Nintendo 3DS code: 2879-0476-7598

My Nintendo: Toni | Twitter:


Yeah I played DQ IX by myself and never once felt like I was missing out on anything. I don't even know what the multiplayer would add to it really.

"Remember, Funky's the Monkey!"

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@Dogorilla Apparently people exchanged treasure maps, which are really difficult dungeons where the boss, once defeated, gives you special items. In the exchanges people could get treasure maps not available in the game itself, it seems.

Switch code: SW-2291-6286-4620

Nintendo 3DS code: 2879-0476-7598

My Nintendo: Toni | Twitter:

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