
Topic: Gameboy pocket replacement shell sourcing.

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Hi All.

I am profusely sorry for joining a forum with a question but I do not know where else to turn at the moment!

I have a Green Gameboy Pocket that requires a new shell.

I have searched the online shops i know of, googled and Aliexpress searched for a replacement Green shell.

I CANNOT find anyone selling them. They all do translucent or Lime green but not the lovely Emerald green of the GBP.

Does ANYONE know of a place to buy? Ideally in the continental Europe (doesnt have to be EU) but anywhere globally will suffice.

Buying a good shelled dead GBP isnt a viable option as this one was DOA and I have repaired the guts. It cost a small fortune too (Prices are getting out of control for these things IMHO).

I only collect what i like and its not for profit, FYI.

Thanks for any help in advance.

Edited on by RB77



@RB77 You might just have to buy a green GBP and swap the guts. Maybe contact Nintendo and see if they have some empty shells. Other then that I can't think of anywhere else.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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