
Topic: According to this, the Wii U's disks will be 25GB in size

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That's equal to a single layer blu-ray disk. Makes you wonder if they are indeed putting a blu-ray disk drive in and are just denying it right now. Nintendo is good at keeping secrets. It's great to hear, if true. I'd love to see a Zelda game take up 25GB of space .

Edited on by dolabla



If Nintendo is just too cheap to pay the licensing or whatever for us the play DVDs and Blu-rays on it, I wish they would have a downloadable app we could buy that would give us that right.

3DS Friend Code: 1504-5686-7557 | Nintendo Network ID: iphys_eh


We've come a long way from the 1.46GB GameCube days


Switch Friend Code: SW-8327-0918-2006 | 3DS Friend Code: 1203-9264-7719 | Nintendo Network ID: TheBigK | Twitter:


@TheBigK : There are rules against digging up old threads without valid cause (this one is nearly a decade old!).

To add a wee bit to the topic at hand though, it's quite likely that Nintendo have also opted for a proprietary format (at least partly based on Blu-ray specifications) as it has a higher read speed than Blu-rays, hence why games can be played directly from the disc without any need for installation. The same is also likely of GameCube and Wii discs.

Edited on by SillyG

Porygon did nothing wrong.

Switch Friend Code: SW-1910-7582-3323

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