
Topic: External Storage in 2022

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I've been meaning to get some sort of external storage device for my Wii U for a while now. Since I pretty much hit my limit the other day (Had to uninstall the XCX DLC patches), I want to pick something up ASAP. However, almost all of the Nintendo-recommended ones don't really exist anymore. I did find an article that included one that I'm interested in (which is included below), but since it's an external harddrive without a power source, I'm unsure if it'll work well. Would this work, or should I pursue another external memory source?

Currently playing: Star Wars: Jedi: Fallen Order



The hard drive should work, but without an external power source, you'll need a Y cable so that both USB ports are powering the device.

Try something like this. You plug both male USB plugs into the Wii U, then plug the hard drive's cord into the female port.

I don't have experience with this myself, other than plugging a hard drive into 1 Wii U USB port and it not working, but this is what I've heard on Nintendo's site.

Edited on by HeavyMetalWario64DS


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