
Topic: Is the Wii to Wii U transfer worth it?

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I dont know even if I did transfer my Wii stuff to the Wii U my Wii would still get use if nothing more than for my Gamecube games. But if you have one of the Wiis that dont have the Gamecube parts or dont have alot of Gamecube games I can see where that would be a problem. Of course if its just sitting around doing nothing you could just trade or sell the thing.

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Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


Tasuki wrote:

I dont know even if I did transfer my Wii stuff to the Wii U my Wii would still get use if nothing more than for my Gamecube games. But if you have one of the Wiis that dont have the Gamecube parts or dont have alot of Gamecube games I can see where that would be a problem. Of course if its just sitting around doing nothing you could just trade or sell the thing.

Considering doing the transfer after the update, still not sure yet. My Wii would still get love though as I would still use it to play GameCube games.

Argh decisions, decisions!

Edited on by bluecat

just another day...


Considering I still have my gamecube I could do the Wii transfer but then I dont know what I would do with my wii besides letting it gather dust ._. well my sis could use it. I need to buy one of those recharger docks(so I dont have to remove the batteries) I need another gamecube controller as well.



I still can't access the Wii Shop Channel from my Wii...memory read error
So I won't be able to transfer anything unless I pay to get my Wii repaired but I really don't want to do that!
I guess I'll just have to keep everything on my Wii...permanently. I just wanted to get my VC games onto my Wii U but I guess I'll just have to pay the 30 cents for them!

MrSRArter wrote:

Nintendo is rich while Detroit is bankrupt. They could use Detroit make a real Nintendo Land theme park.

3DS Friend Code: 3325-2132-3153 | Nintendo Network ID: PloXyZeRO | Twitter:


Not sure if anyone has pointed this out yet but it seems snes games display in their original 4:3 ratio on Wii U instead of the stretched 16:9 on Wii. Just noticed with Super Mario World. As far as I'm aware there is no option to change it.


Nintendo Network ID: Little_Tiny_Tom


tsm7 wrote:

Not sure if anyone has pointed this out yet but it seems snes games display in their original 4:3 ratio on Wii U instead of the stretched 16:9 on Wii. Just noticed with Super Mario World. As far as I'm aware there is no option to change it.

Which is how it should be. Isn't this a positive? That the game is actually displayed correctly?

After getting Super Mario World for $10.40 (despite still owning the original and having never got it on the Wii U VC) I'd argue it's definitely worth it. It looks better than I have ever seen it or at least as good as the best questionably legal options. It plays better with minimal lag and a controller that's probably on par with the SNES originals. Pro Controller > Classic Controller. Then ontop of that you get save states which you should never use and off-TV play which is by far the Wii U's best feature.

There's just too much to gain to not transfer your stuff over unless the only thing you have on your Wii you're going to ever use is your Smash Bros save

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@skywake : I wasn't meaning it as a positive or a negative. I just thought people should be aware if they have a preference. I do think it looks better in 4:3 than it does stretched but some people get irritated by black bars.
Also, the stereo sound effects are great on the gamepad. I don't know if it is because I didn't pay attention before or because it's closer to me but it's pretty cool.


Nintendo Network ID: Little_Tiny_Tom


I think I prefer it streched. That is how I played all VC games on the Wii , on the entire screen. When I loaded up Kirby Adventure on the GamePad, it seemed rather strange and I wanted it to be on the whole screen. Then again, I can see why people would prefer it 4:3, it makes sense.

Anyway, I decided not to transfer. First of all it will allow having consoles in different rooms if I choose so. Second, there is a lot of clutter on the SD card, and I do not need all these VC games on my Wii U. I can have other VC games on the Wii U that I never bought before and play those on the gamepad. Thirdly, I am just afraid it will get screwed up. Fourth, this way I can play games on the Wii and have the gamepad on at the same time, without the need to pause the game to go to the internet etc. Finally, as a liability, if a console breaks, the eggs are not all in one basket so to speak.

Edited on by dumedum

"Dubs Goes to Washington: The Video Game".

Nintendo Network ID: Del_Piero_Mamba


Whenever I tried playing any new game, my Wii would say "could not access system memory"
I decided to take the risk, copy as much save data as I could to my SD card, and format my Wii.

Luckily, everything worked fine after I formatted it and I can access the shop channel again! I couldn't copy data from games like Mario Kart or Super Smash Bros., but that's okay because I can just download saves from the Internet. I already beat both of those games completely so it doesn't really bother me

Since I just formatted my Wii...I'm just going to go ahead and do a system transfer. Hopefully it won't take long at all because there is NOTHING on my Wii now!

EDIT: WAS SUCH A GOOD IDEA TO FORMAT MY WII. The transfer literally took 20 seconds!!! I can just redownload all of my purchased games on my Wii U now which wouldn't take too long because my Internet is pretty fast. I used a class 10 SD card too, which probably helped. I'm so glad I didn't have to wait hours and hours for everything to transfer.

Edited on by PloXyZeRO

MrSRArter wrote:

Nintendo is rich while Detroit is bankrupt. They could use Detroit make a real Nintendo Land theme park.

3DS Friend Code: 3325-2132-3153 | Nintendo Network ID: PloXyZeRO | Twitter:


I'm still not sure whether or not to do the system transfer because I have a TON of games that are currently residing on my SD card because my Wii Menu channel memory is full. (40 something WiiWare games on SD card, a few VC games on SD card.....Wii Menu full with VC games)

I don't know exactly what is going to happen when I do the transfer. I expect the games on my Wii Menu will be transferred appropriately, but I'm worried about all of the games I have on my SD Card. Even if they stay in tact...wouldn't I have to do several other rounds of transferring to get all of my games over? Help please!!!



luke17 wrote:

I'm still not sure whether or not to do the system transfer because I have a TON of games that are currently residing on my SD card because my Wii Menu channel memory is full. (40 something WiiWare games on SD card, a few VC games on SD card.....Wii Menu full with VC games)

I don't know exactly what is going to happen when I do the transfer. I expect the games on my Wii Menu will be transferred appropriately, but I'm worried about all of the games I have on my SD Card. Even if they stay in tact...wouldn't I have to do several other rounds of transferring to get all of my games over? Help please!!!

What I did was transfer my basic information then re-downloaded the games on the Virtual Wii on the Wii U. This way I didn't need to get a bigger SD Card for the transfer and I would have the least likely event of corrupted data to happen, not that I have heard of that happening.

People keep saying the Xbox One doesn't have Backwards Compatibility.
I don't think they know what Backwards Compatibility means...

3DS Friend Code: 2621-2786-9784 | Nintendo Network ID: DefHalan


When you say "transfer your basic info" do you mean do a system transfer with no games involved, but then go re-download?



luke17 wrote:

When you say "transfer your basic info" do you mean do a system transfer with no games involved, but then go re-download?

Yea that is what I did

People keep saying the Xbox One doesn't have Backwards Compatibility.
I don't think they know what Backwards Compatibility means...

3DS Friend Code: 2621-2786-9784 | Nintendo Network ID: DefHalan


That's what I did as well and was super fast

MrSRArter wrote:

Nintendo is rich while Detroit is bankrupt. They could use Detroit make a real Nintendo Land theme park.

3DS Friend Code: 3325-2132-3153 | Nintendo Network ID: PloXyZeRO | Twitter:


You can only transfer what's in the memory - you cannot read the SD card from your Wii in Wii mode on the Wii U.

What I would do is ensure all your save data is moved from SD to Wii and then fill the rest with as many small games as possible to reduce the amount of re-downloads you'll have to do after the transfer.

Once transfer is done, wipe your SD card and then re-enter the Wii Shop in Wii mode on your Wii U and re-download everything you couldn't transfer before to SD. Remember to check your Wii Mode settings before doing this as I found that Wii Mode defaults to max parental settings which will filter content that appears in the Wii Shop. The Wii Mode parental controls are separate from the Wii U ones and are changed via the Wii Mode menu in your Wii U settings.

BLOG, mail: [email protected]
Nintendo ID: sean.aaron


I'd do it for some vc games and smash bros brawl

Switch FC: 6433-7682-7412
3DS FC: 2852-9290-8506
Wii U Name: MiiandMario


While others have mentioned that it will only transfer data on the internal memory, it will transfer the licenses of all your games. So even if the games are not on the Wii you can re-download them on the Wii U from the Wii menu even if they were not installed on your Wii at the time of the transfer as long as you purchased the game via the Wii and its not on the Non-transferable data list.

here is a link to that list from Nintendo




Is the SD card slot for the Wii U just for the transfer? They made the SD card so you can transfer the Wii stuff? Is there any other purpose to it?

"Dubs Goes to Washington: The Video Game".

Nintendo Network ID: Del_Piero_Mamba


I think once I buy an old Wii from a friend is when I'll finally do the transfer. Mine doesn't play any discs so having all my VC stuff on my Wii U will be convenient.

And I need a couple of Wii Classic Controllers along with Wii U Pro's. Anyone know any good deals?

Edited on by IAmNotWill

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