Mega Man X Legacy Collection (Switch eShop)

£15.99 £6.39

Mega Man X Legacy Collection is a fantastic re-release of several must-play classics, presented as authentically as possible while still including a few modern features that improve the overall experience and keep it from feeling antiquated. Throw in the new X Challenge mode and an enormous archive of museum content and this is the definitive way to play the Mega Man X games in the modern era. Four fantastic games, a bevvy of extra content, and the ability to play at home or on the go — nothing not to like here.

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Katana ZERO (Switch eShop)

£13.49 £8.09

Katana Zero is unmistakably a game that you need to add to your Switch collection. The tough, hair-raising action sequences, gripping narrative, and impeccable sense of style elevate Katana Zero high above many of its peers, cementing it as a modern classic that sets new standards for what a side-scrolling action game can be. You’ll blindly play through once and soon find yourself wishing you could have that first-time experience again; there’s nothing else quite like it on the eShop and we can’t recommend it enough.

Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition (Switch eShop)

£15.99 £7.99

Even years after its debut, Devil May Cry 3 remains one of the best action games ever made. It may have aged in places, but that turbo-charged, combo-heavy action feels as fresh today as it did back in 2005. The new Freestyle mode – which lets players swap combat styles on the fly at any point during the action – is an excellent addition to the package, and the ability to play Bloody Palace in local co-op is the cherry on top of a Switch port that should appeal to anyone interested in sampling the devilish delights of this all-time classic.

Mega Man Legacy Collection (Switch eShop)

£11.99 £6.35

Digital Eclipse did a great job with Mega Man Legacy Collection, presenting the original games in the best possible light while tossing in a handful of extra features and challenges to sweeten the deal. The rewind feature is a welcome inclusion that helps to mitigate the difficulty of some of the games, and the overall quality of the series is difficult to dispute. We would highly recommend you pick this one up — all the included extra features coupled with the ability to play these games both at home and on the go make it a no-brainer.

Shantae and the Pirate's Curse (Switch eShop)

£14.59 £7.29

The Switch version is certainly the best way to play Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse. Tight gameplay, detailed visuals, and charming writing combine to make this a Metroidvania that is a must-play for any fans of the genre. We’d give this game a strong recommendation to anybody who hasn’t played it yet and would still encourage veterans to consider double dipping. Though there’s nothing groundbreaking about this re-release, it’s still the same great game that it was before, and the few minor additions are a nice bonus.

AI: The Somnium Files - nirvanA Initiative (Switch)

£53.99 £21.59

AI: The Somnium Files – nirvanA Initiative is one of the most interesting visual novels we’ve played through in a while. The murder mystery at its heart is brought to life by some great writing and quirky characters alongside the satisfyingly integrated, beautifully balanced Psync puzzle elements. Even with some minor control issues, there is a lot to love in this game even if you never picked up the original. Highly recommended if you're even a little bit curious.

Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales (Switch eShop)

£16.99 £8.49

While utilising the ruleset of a more traditional CCG system might put off some players, the on-brand approach to turn-based combat in Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales is still a positive addition to the world. Because with such an involved and intricately designed story – and such an interesting world to explore beyond the confines of Geralt – Thronebreaker offers the opportunity to lose yourself in the Continent like never before.

Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony Anniversary Edition (Switch eShop)

£26.99 £10.79

It's difficult to get across exactly why Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony is so good without spoiling it, so we'll keep it simple. You'll come into the game baffled as to what the writers were thinking with some of these characters, and walk away loving each and every one of them. There isn't a single moment of slack throughout the whole 40-hour playtime, it has the most extensive post-game of any title in the series, and one of the best endings to any game ever made. We promise you're in for the ride of your life.

Card Shark (Switch eShop)

£17.99 £8.99

Card Shark is the kind of game that at first blush seems like it just won’t work. Lots of dialogue bookended by brief, simplistic minigame sequences seems like it would make for an experience that would lose its luster quickly, yet we couldn’t put it down. Witty writing, high-stakes gameplay, and a gorgeous art style all come together here to make for a game that’s well-executed and unique in its appeal. If you’re looking to try something that notably bucks most modern gaming trends, Card Shark is well worth your time and money.

Vengeful Guardian: Moonrider (Switch eShop)

£13.99 £9.79

Vengeful Guardian: Moonrider is an absolute triumph in 'neo-retro' game design. It boasts fluid combat with plenty of variety in environmental and enemy design and an art style that looks like it beamed straight over from the early '90s. While its short length might be a bit of a sticking point for some, those looking for an action title that is not only a fantastic experience but also feels like an authentically retro one will find this to be an absolute no-brainer.

Gone Home (Switch eShop)

£11.99 £3.49

Several years on, there’s no denying the cultural and developmental impact Gone Home has had on the industry. Both as a near-perfect exercise in interactive storytelling and an example of how to handle complex and very real ideas in a game, only Life is Strange has ever come close to matching its significance. While there isn’t much ‘game’ to be found here, the story you unravel through exploring an empty home will stay with you long after you’ve put down your Switch.

OPUS: Echo of Starsong - Full Bloom Edition (Switch eShop)

£22.49 £15.74

OPUS: Echo of Starsong is a lovely game, an emotional adventure that represents the apex of the series to date and one of the best story-driven games on Switch. It's also excellent value for money, offering around ten hours for its low price, more if you really take your time and soak the whole thing up the way you really should. While the character designs are a little too familiar, the characters themselves are complex, interesting, and likeable, and the story told with them is a complete, satisfying tale. Oh, and when the opening suggests playing with headphones? That's a hard agree from us, both to help with the music-based puzzles and simply to enjoy the excellent score.

Hindsight (Switch eShop)

£11.99 £7.99

Hindsight does what it does with technical and artistic aplomb. The story is eloquent, mature and moving, and the core mechanic of diving into objects creates perfect madeleine moments that boost the experience beyond many other story games. It only asks for a few hours of your time and repays the investment generously.

Tales from the Borderlands (Switch eShop)

£19.99 £11.99

Tales from the Borderlands is arguably Telltale Games' finest hour and one of the very best choice-driven narrative adventures on any system. This is ten glorious hours' worth of top-notch entertainment with a world-class cast, consistently excellent writing that manages to perfectly balance comedy and drama, non-stop twisted action and a cast of kooky characters that are a joy to spend time with. This really is the best the Borderlands universe has ever been, and a game that everyone should experience at least once.

Woof, not a bad little collection! Let us know below if there are any gaps in your Switch library you'll be plugging with these discounts.