Tag: Games - Page 13

  • News New Super Smash Bros. Additions

    New characters have been announced for Wii's Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

    French gaming website, Live Wii has revealed that Masashiro Sakurai has announced new playable characters for Super Smash Bros. Brawl, as well as a few who are going away. New characters avalible on Super Smash Bros. Brawl include Ridley (famous rival of Samus of the Metroid...

  • News Miyamoto Talks Galaxy

    Nintendo chief Shigeru Miyamoto talks to MTV about the upcoming Wii title, Super Mario Galaxy

    Earlier this week EuroGamer reported on an interview between MTV (yes, really) and Sir Miyamoto. The maestro was talking about the next generation Mario game, Super Mario Galaxy, set for release on Wii sometime early 2007. "Is having different spheres...

  • News NOA Summer Line Up

    Nintendo release this summers North American release schedule, including Super Paper Mario and Star Fox DS

    Yesterday, Nintendo of America unveiled a chunk of Summer 2006 release dates. The new titles are mainly for Nintendo DS but also a couple of Gamecube titles, most notable being Star Fox DS and Super Paper Mario. Nintendo DS™June 5: Big Brain...

  • News New Super Mario Bros. Rocks Japan

    Kotaku report sales of 480,000 units of New Super Mario Bros. on day one, train your brain!

    Kotaku have today posted a brief article about the launch of New Super Mario Bros. in Japan. Sure, New Super Mario Bros. is popular in Japan. But, just how popular? The game moved 480,000 units in its first day, compared to 414,556 units the second edition of...

  • News Super Paper Mario To Disrupt Platformers

    Nintendo.com detail some tasty information about the upcoming Gamecube title Super Paper Mario.

    Over at the tree house labeled Nintendo.com, one monkey has revealed some information about the sleeper hit of E3, Super Paper Mario, set for release later this year. The next game in the origami series will essentially be a 2D platformer, looking quite...

  • News Star Fox Takes Command

    The Official Nintendo Website renames the upcoming Nintendo DS space shooter from Star Fox DS to Star Fox Command.

    One of the few surprises at E3 this year was the announcement of Star Fox DS. Nintendo only provided us with a snippet of information about the game and no official title. It seems now that Nintendo's official .com website has been...

  • News Resident Evil 4 Gets Yellow Penciled

    Capcom survival horror Resident Evil 4 wins a coveted "Yellow Pencil" design award from The D&AD Global Awards 2006

    Capcom love Nintendo when they get it right, and hate them when they don't. The much talked about "exclusive rights" for Resident Evil for Gamecube wasn't all bad, in fact it resulted in an excellent Resident Evil 4 game that was loved...

  • News Opera Wii

    IGN talks to Opera's Scott Hedrick and tries to uncover some facts about the web browser for Nintendo Wii.

    IGN managed to squeeze some questions in the general direction of Opera for Devices' executive vice president, Scott Hedrick. He had quite alot to say about the general partnership with Nintendo. "Opera is a full Web browser for desktop,...

  • News Harvest Time Hop And Fly Please Spider

    Shin'en announce the release of a new DS title, aimed towards the younger spectrum of gamers.

    Shin'en today have announced the release of their second DS game, Miss Spider - Harvest Time Hop and Fly. But whats the big idea? “Miss Spider – Harvest Time Hop and Fly” was especially developed for a younger audience to take full advantage of the...

  • News The Twilight Realm Gets A Little Hazy

    EGM reveal some changes to the twilight realm in the upcoming Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess for Gamecube and Wii.

    In a recent interview with Electronic Gaming Monthly, director Eiji Aonuma has revealed a new look for the hotly awaited new Zelda title. In the Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, you'll be transported to a twilight realm,...

  • News Gamers To Get LOST

    ABC's hit show LOST is set to be transform into a video game, crash landing onto consoles in 2007 courtesy of Ubisoft.

    Just when you thought you had it all figured out, Ubisoft announce that LOST is to be spliced up into a video game. "Ubisoft, one of the world’s largest video game publishers, announced a long-term worldwide licensing...

  • News Nintendo Wants You To Touch

    Nintendo UK announces that Touch! Generations is the new branding for all things touchable on the Nintendo DS.

    Since the launch of DS, Nintendo have offered gamers a new way to play, the touch screen system certainly disrupted the gaming world. From today, the mature range of "touchable" DS titles will be branded as "Touch! Generations". Are you...

  • News Final Fantasy III Trailer Released

    The DS game worth buying the console for is out this year, and now for a sneak peak...

    Role Playing Fans rejoice as you can now see one of the best Final Fantasies in 3D for the DS. For those who don't know FFIII never saw release outside of Japan, so this remake will be the first time for many to play this game. Below is the trailer: What has...

  • News Nintendogs Dalmatian Edition

    Nintendo UK announce a new "Dalmatian & Friends" edition of Nintendogs, your favourite virtual pet.

    The phenomenal Nintendogs gets a new breed of life in "Dalmatian & Friends" edition, where the once hard-to-unlock Dalmatian becomes the focus of attention. "With an initial choice of six breeds to own and a further 14 to be unlocked,...

  • News Super Monkey Website

    Sega announce that all the ball loving monkeys have another new website to call home.

    Sega's HTML monkeys have finished off the new official website for Super Monkey Ball Adventure. "Visit supermonkeyballadventure.com now for stunning views of a game that’s set to add a whole new dimension to the world-famous Monkey Ball series. There...

  • News Nintendo Europe's Summer Line Up

    Nintendo announce a bumper pack of release dates for upcoming Nintendo DS and Gamecube titles.

    As if the World Cup wasn't enough Nintendo Europe have got the sun tan ready and want to be part of your summer, today they announce a nice big list of games that will be released over the next quarter. "Nintendo DS fans will be delighted by a...

  • News The Full Metroid Corruption E3 Demo

    The entire E3 demo of the new Metroid game for the Wii is viewable over at IGN.

    The video runs through the entire demo level and gives us a clear idea of what to expect. I was quite surprised to learn that Samus has a partner during this mission, although he did not appear in anything bar cut scenes. I wasn't surprised at all when I saw the boss,...

  • News Resident Evil G.S.

    Mysterious Japanese magazine scan suggests what we could expect from Resident Evil Wii

    After Capcom's announcement that we'll be getting an exclusive Resident Evil title for Wii the minds of the gaming elite have been at work. Capcom restrained themselves and told us nothing about the game. Would it play like Resident Evil 4? Would it be like Dead...

  • News The E3 Fallout

    The games industry slows down to digest the wealth of information presented at this year's E3 Expo.

    Just like over-eating on Christmas day, everyone seems to be taking a breather after last weeks bombardment of information, I'm sorry to report that further news is thin on the ground. Attendees feet are starting to recover and they're finally getting...

  • News Nintendo Wii Disrupts E3 2006

    E3 attendees pack themselves into the Nintendo booth for a mere touch of the Wii console.

    The show draws to a close, the last few gamers are being dragged away kicking and screaming as they realise there is another 364 days till the next E3 expo. Nintendo however can feel proud, proud that even with a name like Wii they've done something impressive...

  • News Rare's Diddy Kong Racing Upgrade

    Recently announced DS game confirmed to be developed by Rare along with some further details.

    Amongst the mass of DS announcements one caught my eye the most, Diddy Kong Racing DS. Fond memories of the N64 rushed into my brain and everything felt fuzzy. Nintendo of course kept things very quiet, not giving out further details and a merge single...

  • News Reggie's 27 Wiis

    Nintendo VP of sales Reggie promised 27 playable titles on the E3 show floor, IGN have compiled the lot.

    E3 home-boy and vice president of sales and marketing, Reggie Fils-Aime announced at the pre-E3 briefing that 27 titles would be available, did he deliver? Just about. Lets check out the run down. Super Mario Galaxy The Legend of Zelda: Twilight...

  • News Mario To Miss Out On Wii Launch

    Nintendo bigwig Shigeru Miyamoto has said Mario will only launch roughly six months after Wii launch

    Reported from an after hours press event, IGN.com have quoted the legendary Mario creator, Shigeru Miyamoto, saying that the next Mario installment, Super Mario Galaxy, will not be available at launch. " is progressing along quite well, but it's...

  • News Metroid Prime 3: Corruption Details

    IGN report further details about the new Metroid Prime game, now set to debut as a Wii launch title

    Earlier today IGN.com reported information about the recently announce Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. The Retro Studios developed game is set to become the first Metroid Prime launch title and will be available along side The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight...

  • News New Smash Brothers Controls?

    An interview over at Eurogamer gives some interesting hints at the direction Smash Bros Brawl will take when it comes to controls.

    Most reading this will know and appreciate the Smash Brothers franchise, it has been called the best Nintendo multiplayer by many fans. So it comes as no surprise that there now is official confirmation of a Wii version...

  • News Super Smash Bros. Brawl

    Nintendo announce the next game in the Super Smash Bros. series, everyone get ready to Brawl!

    Yesterday at E3 Nintendo announce the brawl, Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Many gamers had been looking forward to this day and it seems as if Wii have been rewarded with battling goodness. Nintendo have also unveiled a new Super Smash Bros Dojo website that...

  • News Capcom Developing Resident Evil For Wii

    Capcom have announced an exclusive Resident Evil title designed specifically for Nintendo Wii

    Capcom have today announced that a new Resident Evil is in the works, except its not Resident Evil 5. It's a new Resident Evil game that will be specifically tailored to the Wii control system. The Japanese giants are keeping the details very short at the...

  • News Duck Hunt Wii?

    The current E3 rumors seem to indicate that Nintendo may well be revealing a Wii version of the classic Duck Hunt.

    Duck Hunt seemed one of the most logical games to have on the Wii, in fact all scope games would work well. It's not known whether this is the original working on the Wii controller or a brand new game entirely. I am sure more details...

  • News Nintendo E3 2006 Press Conference

    Nintendo annual pre-E3 press conference is now over, but what did we learn, whats new?

    The bomb has been dropped, Nintendo Wii is pretty much out in the open now. If you've been living under a rock you might not know that Nintendo's biggest press conference of the year took place earlier today in LA. It's often hard to keep track of everything...

  • News Paper Mario Just Got Super

    Nintendo unveil another game in the Paper Mario series, Super Paper Mario for Nintendo Gamecube.

    Nintendo are set to release another Mario game and its not even another sports title, its another platformer! Looking quite similar to New Super Mario Bros. on the DS, Super Paper Mario is a 2D platformer with 3D graphics. The newest chapter of the Paper...

  • News Super Mario Gets His Own Galaxy

    Nintendo announce the very latest Mario game, Super Mario Galaxy exclusive for Nintendo Wii.

    Today at Nintendo's pre-E3 press meeting, the Big N revealed Super Mario Galaxy, the first Mario game for Nintendo Wii. The ultimate Nintendo hero is taking the ultimate step … out into space. Join Mario™ as he ushers in a new era of video games, defying...

  • News Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

    Nintendo announce the third game in the Metroid Prime series, exclusively for the upcoming Nintendo Wii.

    Today, Nintendo finally name the third Metroid Prime game, Metroid Prime: Corruption. As Retro have said before Metroid Prime is a trilogy, this could be the last game in the series. "If you think you knew what it felt like to be the bounty...

  • News Twilight Princess For Gamecube & Wii Launch Title

    Nintendo announce that there will be 2 versions of Twilight Princess, both releasing on the same day as the Wii console.

    Today at Nintendo's pre-E3 press conference, Reggie announced that the upcoming Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess will come in 2 versions, one for Gamecube and one for Nintendo Wii. "It is by far the best Zelda game we've...

  • News Wii Lifestyle Screenshots

    Nintendo release a bunch of images to tease us not attending E3, they could be considered as the first screenshots.

    Today, just before E3 kicks off Nintendo have released a bunch of images that show the different ways in which you can use the Wii Remote. "Depending on the game, the Wii Remote could be a weapon, a baseball bat or an airplane...

  • News Square's Dragon Quest Comes To Nintendo Wii

    Square Enix announce another Nintendo Wii title, Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors.

    Square Enix announce another exclusive Nintendo Wii title at their pre E3 press conference, this time from the Dragon Quest series. The lengthy title is as follows "Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors"...

  • News Square Enix Announce Final Fantasy For Wii & DS

    Square unveil Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Crystal Bearers for Wii and Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring Of Fates for DS.

    Square Enix have announced two new titles in the Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles series, Crystal Bearers for Nintendo Wii and Ring of Fates for Nintendo DS both to debt later in the year. "Since its introduction...

  • News GameTrailers.com Provide Free Nintendo Press Conference Feed

    Those lovely people over at GameTrailers.com will be broadcasting a feed from today's big event.

    May 9th has finally rolled around, its time for Nintendo to spill all the information about the upcoming Nintendo Wii revolution. Thanks to GameTrailers.com you'll be able to watch the press conference LIVE over the internet. Whats so special about this?...

  • News Sega Announce Sonic Wild Fire

    Sega reveal the next Sonic title exclusively for Nintendo Wii, this time sonic goes all Arabian on us

    Sega release the first information about a new Sonic title, Sonic Wild Fire. The game will be exclusive to Nintendo Wii as it utilises the unique Nintendo Wii controller, the game "combines his trademark high-speed action with easy to play controls...

  • News How Zelda Will Play With Your Wii

    In the pre E3 hype Gamespot reported information, from an article published in Time magazine, about the Wii controller with Zelda, WarioWare and an unknown Tennis game.

    Writer Lev Grossman at Time magazine was not only lucky enough to have his hands on the Wii controller, but he actually got to play some of the games. He mentioned how Zelda Twilight...

  • News Call Of Duty 3 Coming To Wii

    And you thought they would just release on the 360 and PS3...

    Last Friday, Activision released a Call of Duty 3 trailer for their newest addition to the sucessful franchise. At the end of the trailer, the Nintendo Revolution logo was revealed, which showed that Call of Duty 3 will indeed be coming to the Wii, and not just on the Xbox 360 and...

  • News Rayman Becomes Wii Launch Title

    Ubisoft's well known Rayman series officially named as a Wii (formerly Revolution) launch title.

    Ubisoft today announce that their upcoming Rayman title, Rayman Raving Rabbids has officially been named as a Wii launch title. "Scheduled for current and next-generation video game consoles, Rayman Raving Rabbids™ also joins the line-up as an...

  • News Metal Slug Comes To Nintendo Wii

    SNK announce their first Wii title, Metal Slug Anthology, the classic arcade collection.

    SNK deliver great news today for the older generation of gamers, the classic series of Metal Slug will be coming to Nintendo Wii in the form of Metal Slug Anthology. "To gamers worldwide, the METAL SLUG franchise is known as one of the greatest action...

  • News Sadness Developer Nibris Emerge Online

    Small team Nibris launch their website and announce Sadness trailer to be available May 10th.

    Today, Nibris have announced that their website is officially online and ready for viewing, you can find it at the aptly named They've also announced that a trailer for "Sadness" the dark, noir Nintendo Wii title will have a trailer available from May...

  • News US Metroid Prime Hunters To Get Free Rumble

    Nintendo announce a limited edition Metroid Prime: Hunters with free DS Rumble Pak... US Only.

    Today Nintendo of America have announced that they will be offering a bundled free DS Rumble Pak for those who pick up Metroid Prime Hunters. You may remember this accessory from games such as Metroid: Pinball. "The accessory fits into the Game Boy®...

  • News More Sadness

    Nibris release some further information to the press for clarification of its upcoming Nintendo Wii title, Sadness.

    Nibris today release some helpful information about Sadness, a title they are currently developing for the next generation Nintendo console, Wii. Sadness is not working title of our game, it is the final title The story takes place...

  • News Super Monkey Ball Revolution Named

    Sega have today announced plans for Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz for the Nintendo Revolution console.

    Sega today hit back with the announcement of Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz, bringing those crazy monkey's into a new dimension with the unique Revolution controller, dubbed Revomote. "AiAi and all his friends have rolled their way onto...

  • News Super Monkey Ball Website Now Open

    Finally, the Super Monkey Ball series has opened up its own website for fans.

    Monkey Ball World has now opened! The website includes downloads, info on previous games, and a few mini-games. The website even includes the classic Chad videos. Make sure to check this site out if you love Super Monkey Ball!

  • News Castlevania: Portrait Of Ruin Announced

    Vampire fans rejoice as Konami announce another helping from the Castlevania series for the Nintendo DS.

    Today Konami have revealed that Portrait of Ruin will become the next helping of Castlevania DS goodness, they've also said the game should release later this year. "Konami Digital Entertainment GmbH's ever popular Castlevania series returns...

  • News Red Steel Screens!

    A German video gaming site has posted some brand new screenshots of Red Steel, a game for the Nintendo Revolution.

    GameFront.de has posted some brand new screenshots of Red Steel. Check them out!

  • News Brain Age Official Site

    Nintendo launch the mini dedicated to the upcoming Brain Age (aka Brain Training) for Nintendo DS

    Forgotten about this already? Don't worry, Nintendo have reminded us all that this summer will be about Brain Training. They've launched a mini-site dedicated to the Brain Age title set to launch in the US imminently. They've gone for the oh so original...